Pipe insulation - a reliable way to prevent heat loss and protect pipes from frost.
Pipe insulation solutions
Uninsulated heating and hot water pipes cause significant heat loss, which increases ever-increasing heating bills. During the heating season, 1m of uninsulated heating pipes "throw" into the air around 10.76 LVL*. In a Khrushchev-type multi-apartment building with 4 stairwells, there are about 200m of pipes in the attic and about 200m in the basement. By warming these pipes, residents can save around 4,300 Ls per year. Pipe insulation for such a building will cost around 1600-2500 LVL. So these works pay off in just one heating season, while the lifespan of the insulation is much, much longer.

Warming of hot water pipelines
Hot water pipelines must be insulated to stop heat loss during the heating period. Uninsulated heating pipes significantly increase your heating expenses, in addition, they heat the attic, which causes snow to melt and icicles to form on the roof.
Warming of cold water pipelines
Cold water pipelines must be insulated to protect the pipes from freezing in winter, and from condensation in summer. Also, thermal insulation prevents the transfer of heat from the surrounding environment to the pipes, for example, if the drinking water in the cold pipes becomes warm, it can become the cause of the growth of bacteria in the water.
Warming of sewage and sewage pipes
Insulating these elements will help avoid the formation of condensation in them, as well as protect against noise.
Warming of ventilation ducts
Don't waste energy transporting warm or cold air through unheated ventilation ducts. The insulation will also prevent condensation from forming on the outer surface of the pipes.
Chimney insulation
Chimneys must be insulated to isolate the heat in the chimney from the building structures. Insulation also extends the life of the pipeline by preventing flue gases from cooling to the point where they condense and leave corrosive deposits on the inner surface of the pipeline.
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